About Us
inducad creativ[e] is all about creative answers to strategic challenges to companies. Creating software solutions is at the heart of our business. We perfectly know, that success in today’s competitive environment requires perfect steering and management of all business processes and projects.
For more than a decade familiarity with our customers’ business has been the main source of the added value we contribute to corporate performance. Accordingly, until today great importance is being attributed and attention being paid to the relation and interdependence of the individual, methodology and technology. Be it in the creation of proprietary solutions, or be it in extending and expanding existing solutions.
inducad creativ[e] invites you on the subsequent pages to explore our capability to activate the performance potentials hidden in your company.
Our solutions offer creative answers, across-industries, to the most vital challenges modern companies are facing. And in doing so, we put the everyday corporate requirements into the centre of our solutions development and service deployment.
Products and solutions of inducad creativ[e] come into existence in the daily routine of co-operating with our customers. The result: practical, pragmatic, no-nonsense solutions and service offerings. Products devised under the guideline of absolute economy.
In this sense we are a company truly providing full service, moreover, we are specialists for certified project management and contract management systems.
inducad creativ[e] is a synonym for secure, reliable and creative products and services, devised and delivered by highest professional standards.
Welcome to inducad creativ[e] .